'Greater Tuna' opening at Post Playhouse


The third production of the season at the Post Playhouse at Fort Robinson will be one of the nation’s most durable and popular plays.

“Greater Tuna” opens Friday, July 2 and also will be presented Saturday night, Sunday afternoon and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights the following week. After that, it will be rotated with the other comedies being presented this summer—“A Night in the Theatre” and “I Ought To Be In Pictures.”

“Greater Tuna” is a satire on life in rural America. It is set in the third smallest town in Texas, but it has a radio station---OKKK. The play began as a simple party skit based on a political cartoon. It is now one of America’s most produced plays. It ran continuously for seven years at the Marines Memorial Theatre in San Francisco.

One of the interesting aspects of the production is the quick costume changes made by the actors and actresses. Four of them portray 21 different characters. Thomas Ossowski, head of musical theatre at Illinois Wesleyan University, is the guest director.

Reservations may be made by calling (308) 665-1976 in Crawford.

-CSC College Relations

Category: Campus News, Theatre